The Definitive Multi-Media Learning Experience for Web Interface Design and Construction.

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The Client-Side Mastery Series is a one-stop-shop for all things browser. Through a comprehensive series of videos, live sessions, challenges, and Q&A sessions, you'll learn everything you'll need to design and build alluring web pages and intuitive web application interfaces from the ground up.

Unlike with other web site building courses, The CodePanic CSM series imparts an understanding of WHY interfaces and web pages are built the way they are. You'll learn the specific roles of the languages involved, what they do, and why they are used. Completing the CSM Series will give you a unique understanding of not only how to design and build interfaces, structurally and technically, but the reasoning behind certain design and interface practices and features.

Core HTML5
The language that structures web pages - HTML is core to building clean, modern web interfaces for both sites and web applications.
Core CSS3
The language that styles web pages - CSS defines the look of everything on a web page including fonts, colours, positions, and interactive animations.
Core Javascript
The logical language (code) that determines functionality within a web page. Javascript is core to dealing with and exchanging data and creating an exceptional user experience.
jQuery Fundamentals
An extension to Javascript that makes coding functionality and animations much faster and easier. We'll use jQuery at every level to unify your designs for desktop and mobile while adding security and exchanging data formats with a server.
Client-Side Data X-mit
XML and JSON are the premiere web application data exchange formats. Learning to build, navigate, and secure data within these formats is vital to building a great application or site.
Client-Side Data Handling
GET, POST, and AJAX are the three most utilised methods of exchanging information between an application or site's server and the browser. You'll understand what each is for, why it's used, and what it's strengths and weaknesses are.


This design requires a screen size that is at least
320px wide.

Nobody cares about height -- height just isn't a thing

Width...Yeah, that's a different story.

Seriously though: update your phone. I don't like being tracked either but your screen is too small!