Students, what is it you want? I’m guessing it’s a good job or a business of your own doing fascinating and satisfying work, maybe in tech or something related to the computer sciences. But not just any job or business. You’re looking for a career that won’t be threatened with extinction as companies turn to AI and automation to lower costs and eliminate the problems that come from dealing with us pesky humans.
Disruption is a productivity killer. Endless interruptions by construction, social media and email notifications, jarring and crowded subways or bus commutes, the kids, the neighbour's leaf blower, and all of the stupid questions your co-workers ask you are completely sapping your ability to get anything done. You might always be looking to find some peace and quiet, but whether you work in an office or from home...
So many of the conversations that I have with non-developers about development eventually lead to some explanation of the languages and frameworks that I use to build a site or application. It becomes necessary, then, to explain the specific roles that each language performs, why they do what they do, and why the do not do what the other languages do. In the interest of good relations, here are some (very) simple examples and explanations of a few of the languages, what they do and why they do it…
In parts one and two, we’ve covered a few of the primary web languages: PHP, SQL, HTML, and CSS. Let’s get into a few of the more advanced languages. Explanations of these will be brief as some of the concepts here are difficult to grasp until you are actually developing and need them. XML is the language that HTML is based on. It is structure, structure, structure when it comes to data! XML quite simply defines ownership, relationship, and type for data…


This design requires a screen size that is at least
320px wide.

Nobody cares about height -- height just isn't a thing

Width...Yeah, that's a different story.

Seriously though: update your phone. I don't like being tracked either but your screen is too small!