Think your job is safe from AI and Automation?


Every day that goes by sees huge jumps in technology and AI. Think about what the web looked like just 5 years ago and honestly compare the skills you had then with the skills you have now. Have your skills increased at the same rate?

If your answer is NO, even if you are unsure, chances are you're lagging behind.


There are fundamental changes occurring across the globe. Over the next few years, we are going to see sweeping changes in the way business is done.

Regardless of your ideological position on the State reactions to Covid-19, the push for higher pay and benefits, the decimation of production and supply lines world-wide, the incessant devaluation of fiat currencies, geo-political tribalism, and the culture war in general, all of these things have conspired to form a situation that will require employers and employees to make radical changes or be lost.

What this means is that companies are going to be forced to, once again, become much more streamlined with smaller, more remote-friendly workplaces, smaller, more skill-based employee pools, and as much automation as they can afford — just to stay afloat.

In other words, employees with larger skill-sets are going to be kept and the others, well, they'll have a problem.

Add to that the state of the declining cities. Again, I don't care what ideology you hold or whom or what you blame for all the problems in the country, the fact is that that the cities are being decimated. There's no work, no bars, no restaurants, no parks, no concerts, nothing. Everything is either closed, boarded up, or burned down.

We are already seeing the beginnings of a general exodus. After all, cities are dirty, uber-expensive, and loud. If people are no longer benefiting from the few things that drew them there in the first place, why would they stay?



Doom and gloom is everywhere but i'll leave that to the media to cook up and serve. I'm here to give you the exact opposite — a solution — a way for you to not only survive but to thrive in an environment like this.

Wouldn't it be great to be able to not only future-proof your career but to:

  • Be one of the few, highly-skilled people who survive the coming cuts?
  • Have the skills to demand the pay you want for you and your family?
  • Stop being chained to a city and live where ever you want to?
  • Or finally cast off that dead-end job and enjoy the freedom of being your own boss?

There IS a way to make a boatload of money doing something you love and to provide a service that is AND WILL BE in high demand. But you need specialised knowledge to make it happen.

Be the last one standing when the job markets shrink. The single most important thing that you can do to command and control your career — now and into the future — is to skill stack.

If your company can't afford to keep everyone, be the one they can't afford to lose. If your job can be replaced with automation, learn the skills it takes to write or run that automation. If your customer base is becoming smaller, learn to do something that has a world-wide market.

Don't be run over by the future. Create your own bright future by actually building the automated systems that every business needs to become better, faster, and more competitive.


Gain the skills it takes to be able to design and build customised web-apps

Whether it's for the company you currently work for or for the thousands of businesses in your community (your local dry cleaner, your hardware store, your deli,) they all need custom solutions in order to compete... now more than ever.

With the right education, practice, and live guidance of an 18+ year veteran of the industry, you could be the answer for those businesses.

Now, I'm not talking websites here; web applications are totally different. I'm talking about actual apps that are tailor made for a specific business in a specific industry, anywhere in the country; in the world.

The web market today is filled to the brim with small designers who are great at building web sites or big app design firms that are far too expensive for small to medium sized companies to afford.

But there is a huge hole in the market and it's right down the middle: the developer who can do both!


This is what it's all about — thinking like a Dev

It's simply not enough to read the manuals and watch "how-to" videos on YouTube. You may learn how to do something but you won't learn WHY your doing it or know when one solution is better than another.

I've had student after student tell me that they watched videos on YouTube, Udemy, and Skillshare. They all said that they learned a lot, or so they thought. Then the videos were over and they had a project and a blank document in front of them.

They had no idea what to do, no idea where to start, what was needed to get the project started, or even where to go for answers.


Streaming lectures with live workshops, q&a sessions, projects, and hang outs

After 18+ years developing apps for my clients, I've found that the absolute best way to grasp something conceptual is to first understand WHY you are doing it — once you know why, the how comes fast and furious.

And this is why combining lectures with live, mentored learning is hands-down, the best. Look, who knows whether you are fully grasping something better than you do? And when you don't fully grasp it, does it mean that you're just stupid or the subject is too hard?

Of course not - I mean, unless it's theoretical physics or something, then sure, yeah, we're all stupid.

No, most often it means that it doesn't relate to you and that it has to be explained in a different way. And that's what makes Live Learning so powerful. You can't ask questions of a video on YouTube. But you can when you are talking directly to me during the weekly live sessions or posting a question in our CodePanic insiders group.

That's how you gain skills. That's the type of real learning that you can turn into money and security.

The world lost a whole lot when it did away with the internship. The best way to learn has always been to see it done, to ask questions, and then to try it yourself, over and over again, making mistakes along the way and being guided — by a real person — until it becomes second nature.

And that's what we do at CodePanic.

It's university level learning without the massive price tag and time investment.

Intriguing? Take a look at what's available...


The Server Side Master Class Fall enrollment ends on September 30th, 2020 and there are only 100 slots available. Once it's filled, it's filled. Sign up today and reserve your spot or you'll have to wait until 2021!

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This design requires a screen size that is at least
320px wide.

Nobody cares about height -- height just isn't a thing

Width...Yeah, that's a different story.

Seriously though: update your phone. I don't like being tracked either but your screen is too small!