Everything You’ve Been Told About College Is Exactly Wrong

Published on November 21st, 2019 at 8:43 am by Code Runner

Students, what is it you want?

I’m guessing it’s a good job or a business of your own doing fascinating and satisfying work, maybe in tech or something related to the computer sciences.

But not just any job or business. You’re looking for a career that won’t be threatened with extinction as companies turn to AI and automation to lower costs and eliminate the problems that come from dealing with us pesky humans. You’d like to be able to acquire the knowledge and skills you need to have that great career and make a lot of money without spending four years of your life and loading yourself down with a massive amount of debt.

If that’s you or you’re the parent or friend of someone who fits that description, Read on.

What if I could show you a way to acquire a set of skills that are almost certainly MORE valuable than what you would get by going to college? What if I were able to show you how you could acquire them for a tiny fraction of the cost, in a fraction of the time?

Well, I can.

Look, if you’re passionate about going into the hard sciences, then, yeah, college is really the only way forward. I wish you the best and you can stop reading right now.

But, for the rest of you, and you parents and mentors out there, I’m offering an alternative to traditional schooling that’s better, quicker, and orders of magnitude cheaper.

But... But... But... I've always been told that college the only sure-fire route to acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to succeed and make a healthy income?

Okay, Boomer, that’s a belief that’s been drilled into our heads since kindergarten by people in a bygone world.

Go to school, knuckle-down, and get good marks. Go to college and study something lucrative that’ll automatically land you a great job. Work hard, and that’ll magically make us heaps of cash.

That’s the formula. It’s treated as a given, but what if it doesn’t really match reality? What if it isn’t even a viable strategy in the majority of cases anymore?

I would say, without any hesitation, that it isn’t -- and it’s getting less so every day!

Steve Jobs... Michael Dell... Ted Turner... David Geffen... Bill Gates... Henry Ford... John D. Rockefeller... Thomas Edison -- What do all of these guys have in common?

That’s right! They either didn’t go to college or they dropped out to do something more meaningful and profitable. That’s quite a list and they’re by no means alone. One thing's for damned sure, they did alright for themselves.

Why? Because they thought for themselves and envisioned another way of doing what they wanted to do and going where they wanted to go. And, aren’t we glad they did?

So maybe college isn’t a pre-requisite for success. Maybe the old path to the American Dream is just that: old. Maybe it’s no longer relevant in today’s economy. Maybe it worked for your grandparents or perhaps even your parents, but it’s antiquated today.

But what exactly is this alternative I’ve hinted at here? It’s a program that’ll give you the knowledge and skills to become a master Web App Designer and Builder, in a short amount of time, for a fraction of the cost of college or university.

Now, let’s be clear. This isn’t about building websites -- that’s kid’s stuff in comparison, and everybody and his brother can do it.

We’re talking about helping businesses and organisations develop the custom back-end, "server-side" programs that allow them to function in not only a customer-friendly way, but efficiently and, more than anything: profitably.

Because, guess what. If you can help them make money, you’ll make money.

The web apps you’ll be designing and building are the brains that literally make the online interfaces work, that make them valuable.

To do this work, you have to have a very specialised kind of knowledge that you’re simply not likely to get in any school, along with a diversified skill set that allows you to design with maximum creativity and solve the kinds of problems that only an expert with broad based, yet very specific, skills can solve.

The opportunity is here, right now -- the door is wide open and there’s a crying need for truly qualified people. Sure, there are plenty of people who know PART of they need to know, but precious few who understand everything required to become the go-to person, the invaluable and indispensable person who has true mastery of the craft.

The program we’re developing to give you those skills, starting with the most basic and working up to the most advanced, is almost here and I’m currently talking with students, parents, and mentors/confidants about exactly what we have to offer and how it maps onto what it is you want for yourself … or the person you care about.

We’re using the most high tech, time efficient, and sensible teaching methods out there and we’re singularly focused on developing the real world skills you need, not on serving up a bunch of theory or outdated methodologies.

Get yourself on the list to receive my blog posts on important topics and updates on when we’ll be actively enrolling new students.

Just in case you think I’m overstating the argument against most high-schoolers going on to college, let me give you a really stunning and nauseating fact from the Federal Reserve’s research staff?

Only about 30% of people who spent the time and money for a college degree actually landed a job that was related to their major, let alone one that actually made them good money. So, you spend 4 years and anywhere from $40K to $150K in tuition fees for a roughly one in four chance of getting what you want.

You’d get better odds in Vegas.

And here’s the kicker. Even if you get a degree that’s viable now, what’ll you do when you find you’ve been replaced by automation or an algorithm driven by AI in the next 5 to 10 years?

Think that can’t happen? Think again. It’s happening NOW, even to professionals such as lawyers, financial planners, and yes, even surgeons.

We’re currently in the midst a huge transition period. Technology is changing the job markets globally, and many jobs are going away forever. But that also means many new kinds of opportunities are springing up, like web app development. And those who can really perform will be both secure in their positions and well-rewarded.

YOU can be one of those people -- the choice is yours.

Spend $40,000 to $150,000 (or more) on a college education that promises no better than a 30% chance of getting you what you want or spend a fraction of the money -- a fraction of the time -- and get a range of targeted skills that are highly marketable, now and into the future.

You can turn the tables on the college crowd and be in demand, not reliant on a fickle and shrinking job market for the marginally employable. You just have to think for yourself.

Choose wisely.


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Seriously though: update your phone. I don't like being tracked either but your screen is too small!